Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Why avoid medicine?

Western medicine or what we call traditional medicine attempts to remedy illness by producing a condition in the body that does not allow the disease to live or thrive. However, this method is unnatural and poisonous, and therefore, harmful, because it is really contrary to the natural functioning and health of the body.

It’s a scientific fact, that isolated compounds, which are then made or refined into synthetic (man-made) drugs, are much more toxic than their plant sources. They produce effects of more rapid onset, greater intensity, and shorter duration. They fail to reproduce desirable actions of plants they come from. Furthermore, they lack natural safeguards that are present in those plants.

There are really no cures in drugs or medicines. The medical world has been looking for a remedy to cure disease; notwithstanding the obvious fact that the nature of our bodies needs no artificial remedies. The human body needs only the opportunity to exercise its own innate powers of its self-healing mechanism. The understanding of health—how to build it, and keep it—is the key knowledge that is needed by medical practitioners as well as the general public.

We have poisoned our bodies with the wrong kind of foods and drinks, and are simply not using food for the purpose that food was created. We are not eating properly or eating to live.

It must be understood that in critical cases, drugs do saves lives. It may be necessary, in critical cases, to give exceptionally high amounts of one particular substance (drug), or another, in order to save a life. However, we won’t ever need drugs if we live and eat right, except in emergencies. Even then their use ought to be limited.

The medicinal use of natural herbs and plant food, dates back to what is called by many "prehistory," or to the time of unwritten records and to what is often called "primitive" medicine. In the past, as well as the present, plants have been used for food as well as medicine.
In the kitchen of most American homes are a multitude of healing herbs, garlic; ginger; cayenne; fennel; turmeric; peppermint; sage; and cinnamon are among such herbs, to name a few. They all have medicinal properties ignored by western society.

The human body was not made to be sustained by medications and drugs for health and longevity. The simple fact is the human body was not made to be drugged.

*The above content is extract from an article written by Patina Muhammad, ND, CNC.